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Will you get a fair financial aid award?

Will you get a “fair” financial aid award? The truth is most families never find out. They simply take what is offered. As a result, many families will pay more for college than they need to. Sometimes up to tens of thousands of dollars more. Unfortunately, I see this scenario play out over and over […]

What Questions Should I Ask the College

What Questions Should I Ask the College Admissions Department? When your child begins searching for the college of his or her dreams, you are going to be bombarded with more facts, figures, and statistics than you will know what to do with. Some of it will be useful, some of it will be unnecessary and […]

The Disturbing Facts about Today’s Student Loan Debt

The Disturbing Facts about Today’s Student Loan Debt What does $35,000 in student loan debt do to a new college graduate? Sometimes it means living with their parents, which can seem like a financial leash to both the graduate and the parents. For most of the graduates living on their own, they have to continue […]

Pros and Cons for Early Admission to College

Pros and Cons for Early Admission to College Congratulations! You just received your letter – you’re in! Or are you? More and more colleges are issuing what is called an early decision (a promise of a slot), providing your student meets certain criteria. The Wikipedia definition of early decision is: “…a common early admission policy […]

Need-Blind vs. Need-Aware in the College Admissions Process

Need-Blind vs. Need-Aware in the College Admissions Process Sometimes it is important to remember that, deep down, colleges are businesses. Certainly, the goal of these “corporations” is primarily to educate rather than profit, but they also face many of the same financial challenges as any other company. While each institution handles the process in its […]

How To Use Twitter To Aid Your College Search

How To Use Twitter To Aid Your College Search Twitter is certainly popular, but can it actually help a high school student’s college search? It turns out, Twitter can help students get financial aid and increase their chances of being accepted into colleges of choice. As with anything in social media, you have to know […]

How To Negotiate The Best Deal On A College Education For Your Child

How To Negotiate The Best Deal On A College Education For Your Child In this series, I am going to discuss an extremely important topic – one that will significantly impact both your child and your bank account. I am talking about… How To Negotiate The Best Deal On A College Education! Most parents take […]

How To Manage Senioritis with College Admissions

How To Manage “Senioritis” with College Admissions “Senioritis” is a well-documented annual epidemic that sneaks up on even the most academically ambitious high school students. Common symptoms of senioritis are laziness, lower grades, decreased motivation, an increase of absences, even leaving your backpack in the trunk of your car from 3 p.m. to 8 a.m. […]

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